Almost everyone knows about stock market. But stock market does not end with trading in shares. Various kind of trading is done in the stock market. If you don’t understand from how many ways you can enter in the stock market then just follow us. Firstly, you must understand the stock market very well after that you have to decide in what kind of stocks you have to invest your money. These are some types of trading in stock market like Equity, Dividends, Sharelord review, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities, trading on margin, bull and bear market, split in which you can trade.
Some of above said types are explained in detail.
1. Equity: - Everyone knows about equity. In it, we buy or sell shares of any company and trade on almost daily basis or short term trading. The only benefit of trading in equity is that you can trade with lower amount.
2. Derivatives: - In it, we buy stocks in form of lots. A lot has a fixed number of shares and we can hold them for one month. After one month, we have to sell past month’s lot and have to buy of next month’s lot. It is also called futures.
3. Commodities: - When we trade in gold, diamond, food grains that are called commodities. It is also called index trading.
4. Bonds: - These are different from stocks. These are issued by government. Bonds have its maturity date. On a fixed date, amount is paid to holders. This type of investment is just like investment in bank or post office but the only difference is, it is based on market.
5. Bull and bear market: - When market goes in upside that is called bull market and when market goes downside that time market is called bear market. It just shows the direction of movement.
6. Dividends: - If you don’t have time to trade and you only buy shares and hold them for a long time then you can also get benefit from shares. Some companies split their shares like two-is to – one means the number of shares, a holder has, will be doubled but the amount remains same.
7. Sharelord review: - In this you can buy shares and rent out to the daily traders so that they may trade in your stock and you will get some part of profit from them.
Stock market can be understood easily if we pay proper attention towards it.
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